Ride Along With a Three Engine, 5000hp Pulling Tractor!

Ride Along With a Three Engine, 5000hp Pulling Tractor!

Pressing play on the video after the jump will probably put you in a place that you’ve never been before. That place is sitting virtually on top of three blown Hemi engines making a combined total of about 5,000hp. Those engines are mounted in line, providing the power for a hella nasty pulling tractor. The neatest thing about this video is that it really illustrates how intense a run on one of these monsters really is.

You get to experience the crew lighting off the motors, the tractor hooking up to the sled and then the run itself. We watched the actual run several times because we were blown away with the speed of the tractor heading down the course. No bull, this beast is hauling some ass at mid track! The driver is working like a one legged man at a butt kicking competition all the while, too. It is a revealing look at how the tractors act in the heat of battle.

It looks so easy from the sidelines, eh?

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