Just A Small Step In The Right Direction: Giving A 1964 Galaxie A New Spark

Just A Small Step In The Right Direction: Giving A 1964 Galaxie A New Spark

I love the whole idea of driving your classic. They were regular cars that just managed to get old…what’s the issue with still driving them? Well…a couple of things, to be fair. Advances in technology have made keeping an engine in tune easier, parts wear out and electrical components get cooked over the years. That’s why we build these cars, that’s why maintaining them is so important, and that’s why keeping every last thing as it was back in the day may or may not be the best thing to do. Luke’s 1964 Ford Galaxie is a Midwestern gem, a four-door sedan that was treated wonderfully over the years. By all accounts, it should be a daily-driving gem as it is, and Luke is more than up for driving the car near-daily. But there are issues with this car, and in this video he will take on the ignition system with a new distributor and some spark tuning. This is one part of at least a two-part series that will give the Galaxie a much-needed boost in performance and a healthy step forward in actual drivability. It’s not as simple as swapping a distributor, either!

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